Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Free Pole, Last Spart

I've recently put The North Pole - 'Exposition Vol. 1' up for download in it's entirety for free. go to their site via your mouse, to go get it, if you would like. Banquet Records says this about the CD - "Brilliantly-packaged "scientist rock" from four men who've done time in bands like The Steal, Twofold, Captain Everything! and about a hundred others. Imagine Small Brown Bike mixed with 'Repeater'-era Fugazi, classic Minutemen and lyrics about things like The Large Hadron Collider. In short, this rules"

You can't say fairer than that.

ALSO 2 of The North Pole, ages ago did a band called I am sparticles which was an acoustic project which lasted about a year, it was fun, they wrote some songs... read a potted history.
I am sparticles recorded these songs which you can now hear on their site (again, mouse on name) and the plan is that if you like them then you paypal £4 to and you will receive a lovingly handmade one-off edition of the EP shortly afterwards. These will be the only copies made of the EP, after that we'll put it up so you can download it. i mean why the hell not.

ok, thanks for reading!

Rich. - At Home - The North Pole - I am sparticles